Our behaviours demonstrate the way in which we aim to do things in our Trust. In summary, these are:

  • I am welcoming and introduce myself to everyone I meet
  • I give you my full attention when we communicate with one another, and I acknowledge your perspective
  • When you explain, challenge or ask me something, I will listen and respond accordingly
  • I say thank you and I recognise everyone’s contributions
  • I check we both understand one another, and that you know I have listened to you
  • I invite feedback on what could be better. I am open to discussion and other views
  • I respond flexibly to different communication needs and give you time to express yourself
  • I seek to understand what matters to others and respect when their priorities are different from my own
  • I am respectful, kind and treat all others fairly
  • I am caring towards others and try to understand without judgement
  • I encourage and support all colleagues to make suggestions on how we can improve our work
  • I always try to make a positive difference to my colleagues and our patients
  • I offer support and encouragement to colleagues and patients
  • I can be trusted to take action whenever someone needs help, or when something needs putting right
  • I take responsibility and reflect on my actions and behaviours to help me to improve
  • I call out wherever I witness unlawful discrimination, bullying or harassment; and I support those who experience it

Remember that, occasionally, despite our best efforts we can sometimes get things wrong. Be kind to yourself, and others, when this happens. In doing so, we can give one another the opportunity to learn, and to become the best version of ourselves.