The code is based upon guidance offered in Standards of Business Conduct for NHS Staff in relation to their responsibilities in preventing and deterring fraud, bribery and corruption.

  • I understand my contractual duty to notify my manager of all police cautions or / and convictions received by me and commit to doing so. I understand that if I fail to notify my manager within three working days of receipt, then I render myself open to the prospect of disciplinary sanction, which may include dismissal.
  • I must not abuse my official position for personal gain or to benefit my family or friends, or seek to advantage or further private business or other interests in the course of my official business.
  • I am aware that the Standards of Business Conduct states that it is a criminal offence for a public service employee to offer or accept any bribe or reward (at a level which may be considered a bribe – see below) for doing, or not doing anything in their official capacity; or dishonestly showing favour or disfavour in the handling of contracts.
  • I am aware that I must refuse offers of gifts, services, entertainments and benefits in kind from patients, patient’s relatives and outside bodies. A small token of gratitude from a patient or patient’s relative may only be accepted after care has taken place – never before. The token value should not exceed £25 and should never be in the form of cash or its equivalents; e.g. a cheque, lottery tickets or premium bonds.
  • I am aware that I must not accept gifts of any kind valued at £25 or above without telling an Executive Director or a member of a Divisional Board. I am also aware that I must refuse hospitality which is not right or fair to the circumstances of the situation.
  • I am aware that I am bound by the terms of The Bribery Act 2010 which defines bribery as the giving or taking of a reward in return for acting dishonestly and / or in breach of the law. I am aware that it is a criminal offence for an individual to give or to receive a bribe. I am also aware that it is a corporate offence if the Trust is found to have failed to prevent bribery and that this extends to me if it can be reasonably argued that I should have been aware that an offence had taken place and had done nothing to either prevent the offence or escalate it to an appropriate manager.
  • I am aware that I have a responsibility to familiarise myself with the policies and procedures relevant to my role. This will instil the good practice of using Trust policies to assist in making informed decisions and actions when required to do so.
office staff member smiling with telephone headset